Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Fernando Espinoza and Axel Kicillof handed over houses from the most important urbanization project in Argentina

Plan. The redevelopment plan for the popular.
Plan. The redevelopment plan for the popular.

The redevelopment plan for the popular neighborhoods of Puerta de Hierro, San Árabe and 17 de Marzo, which began in 2013, is already a reality and hundreds of families received the keys to their homes and the deeds from the Mayor of La Matanza and the Governor of the province of Buenos Aires.

The project responds to a historical debt that dates back to the time of the dictatorship, when thousands of inhabitants of shantytowns in the City of Buenos Aires were moved to temporary housing units in the province of Buenos Aires, which later became permanent, leaving thousands of families abandoned, for which the City still owes La Matanza 500 billion pesos.

The mayor of La Matanza and president of the Argentine Federation of Municipalities (FAM), *Fernando Espinoza*, together with the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, *Axel Kicillof*, and the vice-governor, *Verónica Magario*, toured the progress of the urbanization work in the town of Isidro Casanova for the benefit of more than 12 thousand residents of La Matanza, and delivered free homes and deeds to hundreds of families in the district. The mega project includes the construction of new homes, asphalt, lighting, public services, commercial premises, plazas, among other spaces.

“We are very excited and happy to make the dream of so many families who were waiting to have their own home come true,” said *Fernando Espinoza* and stressed: “A comfortable house, with all the amenities and impeccable construction. The director of the project, who has more than 40 years of experience, told us that since the time of Perón and Evita we have not seen such high-quality constructions, it is a great pride.”

“The home of one’s own is the lifelong dream of working families, and today we are making it a reality. It is a right that no one can take away from our neighbors. While the national State governs for the richest, in the province and in La Matanza we work to generate better living conditions for everyone, the middle class, the workers and the most humble,” said *Fernando Espinoza*, and added: “Public works are the engine of the economy, for us governing is creating work and here, through the realization of these works, thousands of jobs are also being created, and in turn greater sales for businesses and SMEs in the area.”

In this context, *Axel Kicillof* said: “It is very exciting to see each of the families who receive their house or their deed, after so long, in neighborhoods with so much history and accompanied by the work of the vice-governor and the mayor to start something that seemed impossible.”

“While Milei stopped all public works and took away more than 80% of the funds, in the province of Buenos Aires we continue to do miracles,” said *Fernando Espinoza* and stressed: “We are carrying out the largest housing project in all of Argentina, while Milei did not build a single house in one year of president.”

“We have two Argentinas: the Argentina of the surrender of our natural resources, of the bankruptcy of companies and the bankruptcy of small producers, businesses and SMEs of Greater Buenos Aires, where only multinationals and corporations won; and we also have this other Argentina, which we are seeing at the end of 2024,” said *Fernando Espinoza*.

Finally, *Fernando Espinoza* stressed: “From La Matanza we will continue working side by side with our Governor to be able to continue changing Argentina, despite the neoliberal policies of Milei’s government.”

On the same day, *Fernando Espinoza*, *Axel Kicillof* and *Verónica Magario*, together with businessmen and women from the district, toured the construction of the Scientific and Technological Center that is being carried out in Ciudad Evita, and will be the first in Argentina and Latin America. The space is intended for the development of new technologies to boost innovation, production and education, and will create more than 10 thousand jobs for young people in the district.

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