Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“Messing with the public university is messing with Argentina”

FEDUBA. Was spoken about the problem that universities.
FEDUBA. Was spoken about the problem that universities.

In the radio program, the general secretary of the FEDUBA teachers’ union, Pablo Perazzi, was spoken about the problem that universities have been facing with the budget cut that put 73 educational institutions in danger of closing.

By Nicolás Torrez

At the beginning of the note in “No Te Duermas”, the general secretary of FEDUBA, Pablo Perazzi, spoke about the current situation of universities after the call for a 72-hour strike: “The Government injected a budget allocation that is still just as efficient for operating expenses and is turning over small amounts, but for operating expenses it only represents 10 percent of the general problem of the university budget. The remaining 90 percent is represented by the salary of the teaching and non-teaching workers of the entire public university system.”

“If we had to graph how solved the problem is, it is only 8 or 9 percent resolved. The remaining 92 percent is still up in the air. In fact, last Friday, in something that we call an absolute provocation, we were called to a new meeting of collective bargaining, which are meetings in which the government offers a percentage that is neither debatable nor negotiable. There is no collective bargaining, there is a unilateral imposition of a percentage of salary increase,” he continued.

Perazzi revealed that the percentage of salary increase presented on Friday was “3 percent for the month of August and 2 percent for the month of September.” Likewise, the interviewee assured that “in the seven months of Javier Milei’s government, they lost exactly the same as in four years of the Cambiemos alliance government.”

“The situation is catastrophic. We are behind on our budget, according to how it is measured, between 40 and 50 percent. The Government has announced that the salary of university teachers from December 2023 to June 2024 has increased by 71 percent. When you look at the measurements, we have 136 percent, that is, they themselves are implying that there is a budget delay,” he explained.

The fight for education

The interviewee emphasized the next university march that they plan to carry out in September: “We estimate that it will also be massive, not only in the federal capital, but also in the provincial capitals where, as we all know, there is at least one national university per province, so we believe that it will also be a significant event, a call to attention to a policy that has no logical criteria regarding the destruction or at least halving of what the public university system currently is.”

“What is happening now is that many national universities and, in the case of the UBA, many faculties are facing expenses with their own funds, which are those funds generated by the faculties or universities with the teaching of master’s degrees, doctorates, extracurricular courses or language laboratories. This forms a mass of money that is normally called their own funds, with which the faculties and universities, in good times, expand the system and, in bad times like this, what they do is cover the expenses that should be paid by the National Government,” he declared.

In line with the above, Perazzi gave his opinion on the National Government when reviewing this university conflict: “They are really incompetent. They do not know how the State works, they do not know how international relations work, they do not know how the university system works. They are truly incompetent and, in addition to all this, they continue to lie.”

“The scam is the scam of the usurpation of titles that the president of the nation has been doing. Recently, a note came out in Brazil that he had said not only that he was a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires, but that he was a master’s and doctor of the University of Buenos Aires in one of the books published and translated into Portuguese by the president. The job is theirs, not ours,” he added.

University conflict

When asked by the hosts about his position on the fee that the Government wants to implement for foreign university students, the interviewee said: “That fee exists. I don’t know what the Government is talking about, they play with such nonsense. Of the 58 national universities, if you take the percentage of foreign students, according to the Secretariat of University Policies, you have 4.2 percent of foreign students. Of that 4.2 percent, 80 percent are in postgraduate studies, that is, in master’s and doctoral programs.”

“They want to advance with foreign undergraduate students, but it doesn’t represent anything in economic and monetary terms, because we are talking about 2 percent of the total student body”, he said.

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