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News I.A

“They missed the opportunity to truly tell what happened and show the reality.”

You Heard It on No Te Duermas

Katia González, niece of Abel Rodolfo González.
Katia González, niece of Abel Rodolfo González.

In the radio program, Katia González, niece of Abel Rodolfo González, who tragically died in the Cromañón fire, shared her perspective on the new series that premiered recently.

By Tomás Modini

At the beginning of the interview on No Te Duermas, Katia González said: “These days I’ve been watching the series, but I haven’t finished it yet, I’m on episode 4. Our stance on the series is that while some irregularities in Cromañón were acknowledged, they missed the opportunity to truly tell what happened and show the reality.”

“And to tell the story of this 20-year fight. It focuses more on the group of friends and not so much on the other, which is the most important part,” she added.

She also emphasized, “It’s very difficult to take in and watch because they are telling what happened to them, and it’s really hard to see it from a third-party perspective. And not telling it the way it really happened with the real emotions of that tragedy. Maybe they can’t say what they really felt in the face of all this, and for someone else to tell it is hard.”

“When the trailer came out, we didn’t know anything. The only information we had was that they were planning to make a series. A few days ago, we found out that the production spoke to some survivors, but they didn’t speak to our organization in particular,” she shared.

Her Connection to the Tragedy

When asked by the hosts, Katia described her connection to the tragedy in Once: “I was practically born in Cromañón because I used to go with my grandmother to the sanctuary. In fact, they call her the guardian of the place. I used to follow her, and I knew the chants we would recite at the marches.”

“I wasn’t born with a normal life; I grew up inside Cromañón. A few years ago, I joined the organization ‘Families for Life,’ and I’ve been working on the prevention side. There, I started to learn more and get a different perspective, to really know what happened. Because I was very young, I started getting more involved with more information and more people,” she explained.

Regarding her uncle, she recalled: “Abel was 25 years old; he was my father’s brother. There are five of us in the family, and he was the middle child, two years younger than my dad.” She also said, “Because of that, my family was never the same again. There was a break in all the Cromañón families, both for survivors and for the deceased.”

“I used to see my father silent, not sharing much. It’s a sensitive topic that we don’t talk about much in my house, and there’s always tension when we see things,” she added.

Her Work with the Organization

Katia went on to explain the work they’re doing within the organization: “One of the points of the project we presented is that the siblings should be recognized, because they too were victims. They had to go identify all the bodies and go to the morgues and hospitals. A chip was embedded in their minds, something that makes them forever different.”

“We receive many testimonies about how the siblings saw everything, and that’s what stands out the most in the reviews of the series: the focus on sex, drugs, and alcohol. Some of them are also angry because their kids weren’t like that. Still, the perspective of this group of survivors is presented, where maybe some of them were like that, but not all of them were, and we also see it from that angle,” she said.

To conclude, she mentioned, “Right now, we’re receiving reports of irregularities in crowded places all over Argentina. We have agreements with the government agency that regulates clubs and events in the Federal Capital, and then inspectors are sent to determine whether a place should be closed or not.”

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