Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“The Banco Nación is a national asset, and it’s not so easy to move against this entity, which is part of the national financial structure.”

You heard it on “No Te Duermas”

"The Banco Nación is a national ".
“The Banco Nación is a national “.

The radio program featured an interview with Silvia Núñez, the Matanzas delegate of La Bancaria, the union representing bank workers, who provided details about the government’s announcement regarding the closure of the Ramos Mejía branch.

Tomás Modini

At the beginning of the interview, Silvia Núñez explained how the news came about: “The news was surprising for the workers because it came suddenly on a Friday, under unusual circumstances, which I believe reflect how the new government authorities are operating. They found out unexpectedly about the possible closure of this branch.”

“The union, with Secretary General Sergio Palazzo, quickly held meetings with the bank’s president, and we as a delegation approached on Monday to get in touch with the staff, since no bank authorities came to talk to the branch workers,” she added.

She emphasized that “we always frame this within the new way that everything is being handled politically at this moment” and that “drawing a parallel regarding communication methods, yes, it was similar to what happened at the Bonaparte Hospital. You find out out of nowhere, perhaps even through the media. The argument regarding tax increases aligns with this need to strengthen their stance.”

The Reasons for the Closure

Regarding the government’s justification, she indicated: “From what we discussed with our colleagues at the branch, they told us that the tax increase for the branch was not as significant as reported, and this argument about tax collection is often used by the government to bolster the need to impose more taxes on those who have more. In fact, the tax reform was designed to reduce taxes on wealth.”

“When we conducted the signature collection campaign to prevent the privatization and closure of Banco Nación, we encountered retirees who received bills exceeding the minimum pension. The arguments align with this idea that we must make an effort to improve later, when in reality the priorities should focus on survival and the well-being of everyone,” she asserted.

She then suggested that “as has been discussed everywhere, or most of us know, there were many issues to resolve or improve, but it shouldn’t be solely the responsibility of the people and those whose lives are being affected today,” and that “everywhere I go, I see that people are very cautious and are aware of the implications of all these changes.”

“Whether it’s service payments, cuts in medication for retirees, or food price increases. Little by little, people are perceiving this or expressing it more deeply,” she noted.

What About the Branch Employees and Customers?

To conclude, the interviewee specified: “The union will always fight to ensure that workers are reassigned. Customers will be directed to other branches; many banks already have options available so that operations don’t depend on a single branch.”

“But we will always advocate for job security and the preservation of these positions, which is what matters in this situation. It’s important to remember that Banco Nación is a national asset, and it’s not easy to encroach upon that entity, which is part of the national financial structure,” she concluded.

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