Número de edición 8481
News I.A

San Justo: Is the ghost of the closure of CEMEFIR returning?

CEMEFIR workers who have contacted our media have expressed.
CEMEFIR workers who have contacted our media have expressed.

CEMEFIR workers who have contacted our media have expressed their concern about the possible judicial auction of the building and closure of the institution.

Emilio González Larrea

“We are a health institution located in the heart of San Justo, a center specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation that was founded in 1956 after the polio epidemic that hit the country, being the only rehabilitation center in the La Matanza district. This health center serves people with motor disabilities who do not have any resources or social security to cover these treatments.

If the auction of the building occurs, the thousands of patients who are treated there will be left adrift. At one time, about 500 patients were treated per day, around 10 thousand per month, from different places in the district and surrounding areas.” On the other hand, the workers are also worried about their future work destiny in the face of the dissolution of the center and the completion of the judicial auction, they comment to al NCO.

How the crisis began.

This conflict began during the management of Dr. Diego Viola as president of the CEMEFIR Cooperadora, who in 2012 set up a Call Center in the institution without having any control over that activity and managed the finances at his personal discretion, sold “flying checks” in the name of the Cooperadora, which were later rejected by the banks, generating a significant debt to the Institution.

The victims were merchants and businessmen from San Justo and one of them, Alberto José Crócamo, bought the rejected checks -as vulture funds currently do with the bonds of the external debt of countries with payment difficulties- and with the checks in his possession, he became the main creditor of the Cooperadora, with which he managed to mortgage the facilities of the institution and promote legal actions to execute the auction of CEMEFIR.

According to Crócamo, he is not interested in the auction of the institution’s building but in collecting the debt. It is estimated that the real estate value, given its excellent location in the center of San Justo, is between 2 and 4 million dollars. Information obtained by our media, CEMEFIR’s debt would be around 400,000 dollars, which would be a profitable business for the lucky winner of the auction.
The expropriation law.

Law 15318, which was approved in the provincial Legislature on December 28, 2021, declared the expropriation of the property for reasons of public utility and in Article 2 it says “that it will be transferred to the Municipality of La Matanza for the purpose of operating the Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (CEMEFIR)”; Article 5 of said law established a 3-year period to carry out the expropriation, a period that expires in February of next year.

So far, nothing has been done in this regard to advance the steps indicated by the CEMEFIR expropriation law. The judge, Dr. Laura Mato, who is in charge of the Civil and Commercial Court of First Instance No. 1, reclassifies the file, considering that the expropriation terms have expired and a judicial auction of the property where CEMEFIR operates, at Peru 2433, San Justo, would be called.

It has been 12 years since this story began, 3 years since the CEMEFIR expropriation law was enacted and nothing has changed, the ghost of the auction and closure of the only physical health and rehabilitation center for thousands of Matanzas residents from the most neglected sectors is still present.
What does Mayor Fernando Espinoza plan to do about this?


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