With Peronist spirit, and just one day before the commemoration of the Day of Militancy—observed every November 17 to mark the return of General Juan D. Perón to the country after his exile—the president of Co.Pe.Bo and host, Julio Rubén Ledesma, former Secretary of Commerce Guillermo Moreno, and Vice President of Principios y Valores, Horacio Valdez, led an important event in La Matanza to gather militants and call them to be part of a “great patriotic cause.”
On a hot Saturday morning, the Peronist militancy gathered with drums, chants, and flags at the Portuguese Club in Isidro Casanova, where they attentively listened to the speakers.
“Fifty-two years ago, the militancy stood up to welcome our General Juan Domingo Perón, and even though we were almost banned and threatened, we kept moving forward because Peronism never dies. Peronism is always standing strong,” began Ledesma, while reaffirming his support and that of Co.Pe.Bo for former Secretary of Commerce Guillermo Moreno “in this effort to speak the truth.”
“Because the only one who raised the banners of participatory unionism was Guillermo Moreno. He doesn’t expel us; he says, come, participate, get moving, bring ideas, but above all, we need to share everything that’s happening in our country. We can’t stay silent or idle,” he said.
In this sense, the local leader emphasized that although “many said he had retired due to the suffering of the people,” he would not.
“When I see there are no jobs, when I see there is no education, and when universities are being gutted by budget cuts, when I see the removal of medications from the elderly and those who have the least, I stand up and fight, and we all need to fight as well,” he rallied.
“I am a Peronist, born and raised. I am an Argentine who loves his country, and if his country is in danger—like it is with these rulers—we all need to stand up together. Listen to those who were born and those who are yet to be born. We were born to overcome, not to be defeated,” he concluded.
To close the event, Guillermo Moreno thanked Ledesma for “remembering this date and bringing us together to say, looking each other in the eyes: here is Peronism.”
In his speech, he criticized the government, saying, “It has no future, no possibilities because it is from the past. It’s a piece of history, an extreme globalizer, who wants to destroy jobs in Argentina. Now they want to open up the economy, when the world is returning to protectionism, here they want to close all the factories they can,” he remarked.
“Now that the U.S. is going to protect jobs, we have a president who is going to give away jobs. We warn you, Milei, because here’s Peronism standing strong to defend the workers. And that’s the way Perón taught us: a good government is one that creates jobs, that opens factories, that generates harmony between capital and labor,” he said passionately.
“This is what Peronism is presenting to the Argentine people on this November 16, as we commemorate the 17th, the Day of Militancy. We are here to tell you that we will make a new cause to industrialize Argentina. And we say this here in La Matanza, in the beloved Matanza, the industrial capital of Argentina, and the capital of Peronism, where workers and Argentine laborers must once again thrive,” Moreno stated.
Earlier, Horacio Valdez had taken the floor. In addition to reaffirming the importance of the Day of Militancy, he called for unity. “Peronists are scattered, fighting, disconnected, but it doesn’t matter—we will recover the ideology, not the individual names that haven’t helped us, who defended their privileges and not the people who voted for them,” he said. He also criticized the complicity of Deputies and Senators who “gave away labor laws, pension laws, and are closing state institutions.”
“Nothing is lost if we keep coming together. With Moreno and my companions, we come to thank Rubén (Ledesma) from the heart because he will support this patriotic cause we’re undertaking with Principios y Valores, and he’s making Co.Pe.Bo available, which is an important and large party in the country,” he expressed.
Meanwhile, Marita Velázquez, a leader of Principios y Valores in the third electoral section, who opened the event, called on the militants to “commit not only on this day but to take on the responsibility of leaving here as preachers of a project. We won’t just campaign for one person; we’ll campaign for the cause.”
Among the attendees were Pimpi Colombo and leaders from Co.Pe.Bo and Principios y Valores.
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