You heard it on No Te Duermas

On the radio program, we spoke with Mario Ortiz, representative of the Textile Workers Association (AOT), who criticized the actions of the CGT and called for workers to be defended.
Tomás Modini
The role of the CGT in the current context
At the beginning of the talk on No Te Duermas, Mario Ortiz gave his view on union action: “The CGT has no choice but to wake up. There is a reality, the issue of labor reform is being regulated and with the fact that any employer, whether small, medium or large, can fire people whenever they want, which is an outrage. That the CGT does not come out to defend this situation of the historic conquests that the labor movement had seems crazy to me.”
“Some union organizations, the CGT youth union, the boys and girls will support them so that the elderly are not touched, but ultimately the CGT has to intervene. There is an internal debate that has to come to light because they cannot be making cold-blooded statements, repudiating this thing when they have to do other things,” he added.
Along with this, he mentioned that “they have to go to the media and hold an urgent meeting of the secretariat to see how this continues and what position they are going to take.”
“Today the CGT is divided into two parts and sometimes, if it is unified it is worse. If they play in two parts, the dialoguers should stay and those who are going to defend the people should go to another side and form two groups, but they should move,” he indicated.
Dialogue with the government
Then, in continuation with the analysis of the CGT, Ortiz referred to the conversations they are having with the national government: “Any leader with half a brain can’t come and say that they are in dialogue with the government when the government tells you one thing and does another. This government has no sensitivity towards the workers, it is not interested in industry, production, they only deal with the large groups in the country to which they are giving everything and well we have no reaction at the level of the CGT.”
Then he said that “I don’t know what they are negotiating, they must have something dirty because otherwise it would be incredible.”
“They have to go out and defend their comrades because more and more are being left on the street and we fill our mouths saying that there are two million unemployed and there will continue to be more as long as this situation continues,” he said.
He also attacked the UPCN (Union of Civil Personnel of the Nation): “UPCN is one of the important unions at the national level because it is large but at the same time it is the one that puts the topic of dialogue on the small table of the CGT. They may be good colleagues but they play their game and appease the CGT. They are not interested in the issue of the workers.”
Regional companies
In the final part of the note, the leader of the AOT pointed out: “In the country the regional unions have normalized but I do not see the fight either, they are individual. La Matanza is normalized but I do not see a document that expresses something beyond repudiation. The position that has to be there is not there, that is why we want a debate to see what we do about the dismissals, not for political reasons.”
“We have to make a document, a call or a presentation through the board of directors of the CGT to get out of this situation that the regional unions are going through, which are normalized but asleep,” he said.
In conclusion, he regretted that “it is useless to say that they repudiate the actions of the government or to say that they are going to do this or that thing, it is just a photo and we are already tired of the photo” and that “that is why I do not participate much in this issue.”
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