Residents of the so-called “Monoblocks de Tablada”, in that area of the La Matanza district, complain that AySA has not provided solutions to a historical problem for years. They denounce illnesses.
Fed up with living among nauseating odors and filth, residents of the Ciudad Evita monoblocks, in La Matanza, cut off a lane of Provincial Route 21 at the intersection with Diego Armando Maradona (formerly Camino de Cintura), in protest of the continuous overflow of sewage that ends up flooding the sidewalks and even some homes, turning the place into a focus for the spread of all kinds of diseases.
The lack of responses from the AySA company, along with a series of unfulfilled promises by the company, prompted a group of residents of the Ciudad Evita Complex (or “Monoblocks of Tablada”) to demonstrate in the street, to try to attract the attention of the authorities.
For more than a year, the neighbors have been denouncing the collapse of the sewage system, which mainly affects the families who live in the apartments located on the ground floor, but which also harms the health of the entire neighborhood, due to the increasingly frequent spillage of sewage that floods the streets, reaches the sidewalks and even enters the houses.
For the neighbors, the risk of contracting diseases from the sewage is greater since they have lived there for a long time.
Thus, they report cases of gastrointestinal, stomach, parasitic and skin infections. Contact with sewage and fecal waste can transmit diseases orally or from person to person.
The presence of pathogenic organisms in wastewater, which mostly comes from the intestinal tract, makes these liquids considered extremely dangerous, especially when discharged onto the surface of the earth, underground or into bodies of water. This is the case of what happens in that area of Ciudad Evita, where the presence of bacteria from the enteric group that produce water-borne diseases such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, dysentery, cholera, among others.
Ciudad Evita: the old problem of sewage
Likewise, in some sectors of the neighborhood, “lagoons” have also formed due to the fetid water that has accumulated mainly in green spaces, since the earth no longer has the capacity to absorb it and the liquids do not drain anywhere.
“We have been suffering the consequences of the lack of sewage for a long time; we have sewage that enters our houses, through the kitchen, through the bathroom, everywhere. You can’t walk around the neighborhood, the smell is unbearable, everything is covered, we are being invaded by rats. There is no light. It’s horrible and nobody comes to help us,” said a neighbor, who for years has maintained that nobody gives them a hand to solve the problem.
In October of last year they had already made another cut in Camino de Cintura demanding answers, but to no avail.
The only thing that came to them was police from the Buenos Aires province to intimidate them and repeat, as they have been saying for some time, that no authority will be present. The neighbors decided to reiterate the measures until the Municipality and the company Aysa guarantee them necessary and urgent works and services.
Source: zonales
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