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Poetry at its best will have its own tournament

Poetry. Oral poetry and competition merge.
Poetry. Oral poetry and competition merge.

In conversation with Radio Hexa, actress and poet Checha Kadener announced that on March 15, the San Telmo neighborhood will be the epicenter of the art of oral poetry with the First National Slam of Oral Poetry in Person, within the framework of the fourth Argentine Slam Competition.

By Maira Palavecino

Poets from all over the country will meet to compete next Saturday at 9 p.m. on a night that promises to be a unique literary party, full of emotion and talent. This event is a unique opportunity for all lovers of poetry and performance and they will also have the possibility of qualifying for the Poetry Slam Abyayala and the possibility of representing Argentina in the world championship.

Oral poetry and competition merge in the First National Slam of Oral Poetry in Person, which will take place next Saturday, March 15 at Woki Toki, San Telmo. The evening will feature prominent judges such as Lucas Fauno and Alejandro Verón, who, along with the participation of the public, will be responsible for choosing the winner who will represent Argentina in the continental tournament. In addition, there will be workshops and live music to accompany the event.

“The first tournament that was virtual, I was the first national champion and from that moment on every year we do our national championship. This year we are going to do the fourth and for the first time it will be in person,” said Checha Kadener.

In that sense, she explained to radio Hexa that the Slam is an oral poetry competition where poets will compete with the favor of the public vote or the jury that is generally chosen from the public.
“They have three minutes and they have to do it with their own text and without any type of support, sound, estuary, scenery, or props. It is simply the poet, his voice and his text,” he added.

In addition, she addressed how the participants will be evaluated: “The jury will then score and whoever gets the highest score is the one who will win. Of course, this whole game and this competition is just an excuse to be able to bring a lot of voices and a lot of things that people have to say and to be able to listen, and it is fantastic. It is a party, right?

In relation to what was said, he mentioned: “In the National Slam we have two outstanding judges who are two people who have many years of experience in the Slam, one is Lucas Fauno who is a performer, actor, poet activist and was the first winner of the Slam that was held here in Argentina more than 15 years ago. He won the first and second Slam.”

The other luxury judge is Alejandro Verón: “He is a poet performer, actor, activist who has many years of experience in the Slam, on stage and also giving creative writing and interpretation workshops.”
“In Argentina there are a lot of leagues and each league holds its tournaments during the year and at the end of the year there is usually a champions cup with all the poets who won during the year’s tournaments,” said Kadener.

The development of the competition involved: “The Slam Capital holds ten competitions over ten months and holds competitions at the end of the year with the 30 poets because they are the ones on the podium; first, second and third place will duel to see who is the champion of champions of this league and whoever wins that day is the one who competes in the National Slam.”

It should be noted that Checha reported that in the Slam Argentina there are no themes, which is why the league cups in general have a free cup, where everyone can choose, talk about whatever they want and a thematic cup where a slogan is thrown and whoever wants can compete with that slogan.

“In the National Slam they will compete with two texts in a first round, and the four poets with the highest score will go to the final with a text for one, meaning they will read three texts,” he said.

In addition, he added a curious fact: “The Slam is not only about the text, but much more about the interpretation. I always say that sometimes a text that is rubbish, very well interpreted, ends up being a great text and a great text interpreted without nuances, without volume, without projection of the voice, ends up getting lost and not reaching the public.”

The person who wins the National Slam on Saturday is sure to represent the country in the World Cup in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, on May 30 and 31 and also on June 1.

“The space is very nice and it will start with some workshops. I am going to give a workshop, Mhoris Emma is going to give another workshop, Romys Taccone is going to give another workshop, and Alejandro Verón is going to be giving another one, on different things. There are workshops on interpretation, writing, there is a fair, there will be the National Slam, the first round and then there is a guest artist who is Bife who is going to make some music and then comes the Alternative Slam, that is, all the people who go that day can sign up to compete,” she concluded.

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