Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Due to a change in regulations, minors will no longer have to present their ID on long-distance buses

Alert and concern.

Infancia. Alert and concern.
Infancia. Alert and concern.

The Civil Association Infancia Compartida expressed their disagreement with the new measure that seeks to simplify immigration procedures, but it generates concern. Human trafficking and minors separated from one of their parents in parental conflicts are some of the consequences warned by the members of the entity.

The National Directorate of Migration announced a change in the regulations for minors who travel on long-distance buses, eliminating the obligation to present a National Identity Document (DNI) and authorization to leave the country. The measure, which came into effect on January 27 after its publication in the Official Gazette, seeks to speed up immigration controls and reduce bureaucracy in international land transport.

According to the new regulation, international transport companies will not be required to request additional documentation for minors traveling abroad. However, immigration officials will continue to verify the legality of passenger movements at immigration checkpoints.

This provision has caused concern in various sectors, especially among organizations that protect the rights of children. Alberto Suárez, from the Civil Association Infancia Compartida, strongly questioned the resolution and described it as “the legalization of kidnapping.” “The problem is that there will be no control over minors who travel. Before, adults had to prove their relationship with the minor and present their ID. This could facilitate situations of human trafficking or parental conflicts,” he warned.
The organization Infancia Compartida warns about the impact that the measure could have in situations where a parent transports a minor without the consent of the other, violating judicial resolutions.

Despite the controversy, the government maintains that the responsibility of controlling the documentation of passengers falls exclusively on immigration officials at the borders and not on transport companies. However, the debate remains open between those who believe that the measure speeds up the procedures and those who fear that it weakens the controls on child safety and protection.

What is Infancia Compartida?

Infancias Compartidas is an organization made up of fathers, mothers, grandparents and relatives who denounce the unfair obstruction in the relationship with their loved ones after a marital separation.

The group seeks to make visible the conflicts derived from family breakdown and the negative impact that these can generate in childhood. Its main objective is to raise awareness about child abuse and the violation of children’s rights to maintain healthy emotional ties with both parents and their extended family.

The organization promotes dialogue and reflection, in addition to the training of professionals and officials in the matter. They also work on the containment of victims and the modification of legislation to guarantee that all children have access to an equitable and violence-free upbringing.

The organization defends the right of minors to grow up in an environment where they can maintain contact with both parents, even after a separation. According to its members, the obstruction of these links not only violates the rights of adults, but also affects the identity and emotional well-being of the children involved.

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