Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Get to know the cultural and recreational proposals in Moreno

The Municipality invites the people of Moreno.
The Municipality invites the people of Moreno.

The Municipality invites the people of Moreno, as well as neighbors from other districts, to visit and enjoy multiple alternatives offered by the local Government with free admission.

By Lucila Elizalde

On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in summer, you can visit and tour, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the “Molina Campos Museum”, located at Molina Campos 364, Moreno Centro. More than 100 works and a thousand objects recovered by the artist are exhibited there.

On this occasion, a special night will be held on Saturday 28, from 7 p.m., where there will be a tour of the museum, and at 8 p.m., a live musical show with the presentation of Ibirá Pitá Dúo.

Also, on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the exhibition “Nellie de Curia” will continue to be on display at the “Manuel Belgrano” Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, located at Doctor Vera 249.

A tribute to the political and social fighter in the cultural sphere of the district and promoter of the founding of the museum. In addition, the exhibition encompasses and includes the vision of various artists from Moreno.

During the weekend, craft fairs will take place in different parts of the district. On Friday the 27th, the Christmas fair will continue, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Plaza San Martín.

On Saturdays and Sundays, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., the family can enjoy the new Roggero Ecological District (DER), in Plaza Favaloro, located at Benito Juárez and Juan B. Bustos. There, from 4 p.m., different recreational activities will take place, there will be a fair and food trucks. Meanwhile, on Saturday and Sunday, from 3 to 6 pm, you can visit the “Museo Islas Malvinas e Islas del Atlántico Sur” (Malvinas Islands and South Atlantic Islands Museum), located on Justo Daract and Arribeños, in Paso del Rey. A space that honors the memory of the country’s heroes and veterans.

Like every Saturday, Sunday and holiday from 9 am to 6 pm, you can visit and enjoy with your family the Municipal Fairgrounds, located on Route 23 and O’Brien. Where clothing, crafts, bazaar items, antiques and toys are offered. The space also has a food court and free parking.
Photo: www.moreno.gob.ar

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