Número de edición 8481
News I.A

He prostituted women in the West all night and was arrested in Paso del Rey

Arrested. He prostituted women in the West all night.
Arrested. He prostituted women in the West all night.

The pimp subjected two victims to sexual exploitation and was arrested after a long time of investigations and tracking.

The Department of Human Trafficking of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) rescued during the last few days a couple of women who were being forced to prostitute themselves in the West by a man who lived in the town of Paso del Rey, east of the Moreno district.

By Luis Fernández
The investigation began as a result of an official document issued by the 11th Secretariat of the National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 3 of Morón, in charge of doctors Leonardo Julián Cano and Juan Manuel Culotta, respectively, to investigate an individual who subjected girls in public places for sexual exploitation purposes.

As a result, detectives began to conduct the corresponding investigations about the suspect, managing to determine that he effectively forced them to work on the street late at night selling “services” of that nature under his orders and in very poor conditions.

With all the evidence gathered, the force dependent on the Ministry of National Security carried out an inspection in a house located on the Colectora Norte (Avenida Gaona) of the Acceso Oeste at 4,500, between the streets Intendente Emilio Gnecco and Luis Belaustegui and a few blocks from the border with the municipality of Ituzaingó.

This is how the capture of the accused was achieved and the rescue of the two victims, who had been his victims and who were helped throughout the operation by the staff of the National Coordination of Rescue and Support for Victims of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons, who provided assistance and support. The 45-year-old man was placed at the disposal of the intervening magistrate on charges whose sentence ranges from four to eight years of effective prison if found guilty.

Source: Viví el Oeste

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