Número de edición 8481
News I.A

La Matanza reaffirms its collective commitment to Memory, Truth, and Justice

La Matanza reaffirms its collective commitment.
La Matanza reaffirms its collective commitment.

As every year, the Municipality of La Matanza, through the Undersecretariat of Human Rights, convenes various meetings and activities to mark the 49th anniversary of the civil-military coup of March 24, 1976, with the aim of keeping the memory alive and strengthening democracy.

During the Month of Memory, Truth, and Justice, the local government carries out various activities with the community. Last Saturday, March 15, the Living Memory event was held at the former El Vesubio Clandestine Center (CCDTyE) in Aldo Bonzi. The event was aimed at the district’s youth and organized by the Undersecretariat of Human Rights of La Matanza, headed by Eva Soto, together with the Human Rights Secretariat of the Justicialist Party. After a tour of the site, those present heard stories from survivors of the CCDTyE and participated in the planting of 30 trees in the 30,000 Worlds Plaza to remember the 30,000 disappeared detainees. They also presented the work done by the Youth and Memory Program and Envión Podés. The event was also attended by Provincial Representative Liliana Pintos; Sabrina Arias, Secretary of Human Rights for the Justicialist Party of La Matanza; and Brenda Vargas Matyi, National Representative.

On Sunday, March 23rd, starting at 4:00 PM, the tenth Vigil for Memory, Truth, and Justice will be held on the eve of March 24th. The event will begin at the intersection of Paraguay and Arieta streets in the town of San Justo, and will then march in a caravan to the site of the San Justo Brigade Clandestine Detention Center, located at Almafuerte and Salta streets, which operated during the last civil-military dictatorship. The Memorial Site, declared in 2013, will commemorate the disappeared and detained individuals who passed through the CCDTyE.
The march will then head to General San Martín Square, at Almafuerte and Arieta streets, to read the document agreed upon by the participating human rights organizations and groups. The closing ceremony will then take place shortly afterward, featuring live music.

Participating in the Vigil are the La Matanza Memory Roundtable, made up of human rights organizations, social organizations, unions, and political parties from the district, and the La Matanza Justicialist Party Council.

La Matanza, through the Undersecretariat of Human Rights, works hard to improve access to justice and social justice for the entire community. At the same time, it promotes the core values ​​of democracy, such as human rights, strengthening the collective commitment to memory, truth, and justice.

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