Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Dengue: La Matanza reinforces actions to protect the community

Dengue: La Matanza reinforces actions to protect the community.
Dengue: La Matanza reinforces actions to protect the community.

With the increase in temperatures, the local government is reinforcing the dengue prevention campaign, offering free vaccines and raising awareness among residents about control measures. In addition, fumigations and talks are carried out in the 17 localities of the district to prevent the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The local government works permanently through the Matanza sin Mosquito campaign, which travels throughout the district providing information to the entire community. Preventive talks are organized with the different sectors of society and fumigation operations are carried out in public spaces to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds.

Given the proliferation of the insect that transmits dengue, it is important to carry out some preventive measures in homes such as covering tanks, buckets and deposits where water can accumulate; washing drinking fountains, grates, gutters and flowerpot holders and turning over objects that are not used.

It is also advisable to fill flower pots, vases and plants that contain water with wet sand; keep the pool clean and chlorinated during use; frequently clean and pour boiling water into gutters, grates and drains; also brush and wash pet water bowls daily. In addition, it is important to keep spaces free of weeds and keep the grass short in gardens, patios and balconies.

If a high fever appears accompanied by any other symptom such as headache, muscle pain, pain behind the eyes, rash or skin eruption, nausea or vomiting or abdominal pain, you should go to the health center closest to your home and it is not advisable to self-medicate.

It is also important to note that the provincial vaccination campaign against Dengue has been expanded, aimed at those people who meet the following requirements:
-Having had Dengue.
-Being between 15 and 59 years old.
-Living in the Province of Buenos Aires.

Those who are within these parameters will receive an email with a call to get vaccinated at the center closest to their home. In La Matanza, the Dr. Alberto Balestrini, Dr. Diego Paroissien and Simplemente Evita hospitals are the dengue vaccination centers.

Also, through the Mi Salud Digital application and website, those people who meet the three requirements and have not received the call for the vaccine can register.

Let’s avoid the spread of Dengue and take care of each other. For more information: visit the Facebook networks: saludpublica or Instagram: @saludpublicamatanza

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