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A woman needs to raise 7 million pesos for her 2-year-old son’s treatment

Solidarity campaign

Ciro, almost 2 years old, face a difficult battle
Ciro, almost 2 years old, face a difficult battle

The little boy was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a chronic genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs and digestive system. In Ciro’s case, the disease is combined with post-viral COPD, which further aggravates his delicate state of health. His family launched a solidarity raffle to cover medical treatments.

Romina Murúa and her son Ciro, almost 2 years old, face a difficult battle against cystic fibrosis, a congenital disease that affects their daily lives. Since the premature birth of the little boy, at 31 weeks of gestation due to the severe preeclampsia suffered by his mother, the life of this family has been marked by medical challenges and constant hospitalizations.

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic genetic disease that mainly affects the lungs and digestive system. This condition causes the cells that produce mucus, sweat and gastric juices to generate thick, sticky fluids, obstructing the respiratory and digestive tracts. The consequences are serious: recurrent lung infections, problems absorbing nutrients and complications in other organs.

In Ciro’s case, the disease is combined with post-viral COPD, which further aggravates his delicate state of health. His treating physician also recently detected the need for tonsil surgery, a procedure that adds new concerns to his already complex medical situation.

Ciro spends his days between consultations, tests and treatments at the Children’s Hospital in Córdoba, where he receives specialized care. From his first days at the hospital in Calamuchita, his place of origin, until his transfer to the Misericordia Hospital and later to Córdoba, his life has been linked to medical institutions.

The little boy has required oxygen on numerous occasions, which has led to frequent hospitalizations. His day-to-day life is spent with the support of respirators and the constant dedication of doctors who fight to stabilize his health.

Romina, his mother, is his main pillar. Unemployed due to the need to care for Ciro full time, she faces the enormous emotional and economic burden of this situation. The family’s only income comes from the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) and the solidarity of relatives and people who collaborate with donations.

However, these resources are insufficient to cover the high costs of the treatments. Only the Pulmozyme medication, essential for Ciro’s treatment, has a monthly cost of more than $365,000. Added to this are the costs of transfers, medical studies and other basic supplies, which in total are around $7,000,000.

A solidarity raffle to continue moving forward

In her fight to guarantee Ciro a better quality of life, Romina has launched a solidarity raffle. This initiative seeks to raise funds to cover medical treatments and other expenses associated with caring for her son.

“I appeal to all of you for help and solidarity, no matter how small your contribution, to cover the costs of medication, treatments, travel, special milk, studies, plates, lodging, among others. Help me share and reach more people! Thank you very much and blessings,” Romina expresses in her Instagram posts.

The Instagram account @todosporciro_2024 is the main channel where Romina updates Ciro’s health status. For those who wish to collaborate with the cause, they can make contributions through the following accounts:
• Banco Nación
or Name: Romina Murúa
or CBU: 0110721230072102047033
or Alias: ayudaparaciro2024
• Mercado Pago
or Name: Romina Murúa
or CBU: 0000003100067848739707
or Alias: siempreparavosmiciro
Every contribution, however small, is one more step to improve Ciro’s quality of life and support his family in this hard fight.

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