Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Juan Paulenko and the Current Political Situation in the Province of Buenos Aires

You heard it on No Te Duermas

 Paulenko analyzed security operations.
Juan Paulenko analyzed security operations.

Juan Paulenko. In the radio program, the journalist discussed various current topics related to the internal dynamics of the Justicialist Party and the return of public works.

By Tomás Modini

At the start of the conversation on No Te Duermas, Juan Paulenko spoke about Axel Kicillof and his role in the internal affairs of the Justicialist Party: “I believe there is a small gesture, a small affection from Axel Kicillof towards Cristina to try to unblock this situation and ensure that this group, referring to Cristina and the Province of Buenos Aires, where she has a possible voting intention of around 30 percent, can support her 2027 presidential aspiration—not just for the PJ, but for the country.”

“For now, it’s a small gesture to ease this tension, and Teresa García, an important leader, is also working on this. Kicillof’s message is that internal elections must exist and that he doesn’t want the electoral justice to intervene,” he insisted.

What’s Happening in La Matanza with the Internal Affairs?

He then focused on the Municipality and stated, “I believe they want internal elections in La Matanza. The proof is that the table for Cristina president has already been presented, and evidently, both Fernando Espinoza and Verónica Magario have already expressed their support for her.”

“Although I was surprised by some second or third-tier leaders who are with Espinoza, who winked at me and said they would support Quintela,” he added.

Regarding this last point, he continued: “I have information that many mayors will covertly lend a hand to Quintela. They will play both sides; one thing is what they say, and what they do is another. The table in La Matanza has a double meaning. Some militants dream of seeing Cristina as a candidate for the presidency in 2027. The ultra fans will push for that.”

“I think the PJ would benefit from an internal election, a breathing space; of course, the majority will govern, and the minority should align, but the party struggles with this. Radicals always go to internal elections, and the antithesis is Peronism. The last internal election with strictly Peronist rolls was Menem vs. Cafiero. Because the other one, Domínguez-Espinoza vs. Aníbal Fernández, was open,” he asserted.
The Public Works Plan Driven by the Province

On another note, the journalist emphasized the public works plan by the state company Aubasa for the next three years: “The Province will take advantage of the fact that both Route 2 and the Buenos Aires-La Plata Highway have tolls. The revenue from these will finance the 200 kilometers of these two sections over three years. The first will be La Plata, and the second will be Dolores.”

“But this is very good news, a very good initiative, to be able to reform this important artery for the Province of Buenos Aires. The works will start soon; they won’t be completed this year, but I imagine we will see some progress by 2025, with the final phase possibly in 2027,” he noted.

The Presence of Federal Forces in the West

Later, Paulenko analyzed security operations, stating that “the National Security Ministry is conducting various lockdown operations in Ituzaingó, Castelar, and Merlo, for example,” and that “this operation is being monitored by Dr. Martín Culatto, a leader from Morón affiliated with Patricia Bullrich, who is the Director of Operations and Territorial Deployment.”

“With these operations, which reinforce those conducted by the Province, there were 598 individuals identified, 420 vehicles checked, and 39 motorcycles registered. The aim is to try, through various layers, to detect individuals with outstanding arrest warrants, illegally stolen cars with false documentation, and illegal substances. These are operations that appear and disappear,” he concluded.

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