Viviendas. The property has eight hectares and is located between the streets Cayetano Valdez, Malaspina, Poeta Risso and Avenida Vergara. A group of neighbors, with the support of the Commune, the Province and the Bishopric, bought it and registered it.
Since the beginning of 2020, when a blue and white sign read “For sale” at the door of the former Rousselot Factory in Hurlingham, until today many things have happened and times of struggle for a group of neighbors who have now transformed a dream into reality.
This is an ambitious housing project promoted by the Civil Association 1° de Junio Esperanza, made up of some 200 families who finally managed to first buy and now register that eight-hectare land located in Villa Tesei, on the streets Cayetano Valdez, Alejandro Malaspina, Poeta Risso and Avenida Vergara.
The project designed by the residents includes the construction of at least 270 homes with characteristics that adapt to the needs of the participating families. The units will be 62 square meters, with ground floor options, duplexes and specific designs for elderly or disabled people. They will also have green space and a garage. The size of the lots ranges from 170 to 250 square meters.
Municipal sidewalks, vehicular and pedestrian accesses will be built, and the area will be forested in compliance with local regulations. And the complex will have all essential services. The opening of streets that give continuity to Pérez Galdos and Adrián Rosario de Luna is also contemplated, which will have as a new intersection Cura Navarro that crosses the land in its entire length between Poeta Risso and Malaspina.
The design includes reserves of green spaces greater than those required by Law 8912, promoting a better relationship between the inhabitants and the natural environment. In addition, the aim is to ensure proper water drainage by means of earthworks that adapt the terrain levels to provincial regulations.
The houses will be built with ceramic brick walls, reinforced concrete structures and metal roofs, and will be integrated into the urban fabric, which will facilitate access to community services and resources.
Source: Zonales
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