Arturo. The Colombian, who began his career as a singer-songwriter in 2009, grew considerably in his career and accompanied artists of great international renown.
Tomás Modini
Arturo Rodrigo Riquett Álvarez is a musician, singer-songwriter, trumpet player and also
public administrator from the Colombian Caribbean, born specifically in the city of Barranquilla on June 2, 1985. He is the son of Rodrigo Riquett and Ana Álvarez.
His beginnings in music began at a young age since, at 11 years of age, he began his trumpet studies at the Casa de la Cultura in Palmar de Varela. This place had three bands of different categories such as children, youth and adults, of which he actively participated in each of them.
This is where Arturo grew up and where he currently resides as well.
The first foundations of his career
A few years later was the kick-off of his career as a musician. 2005 was key as that year he joined the Departmental Symphony Orchestra and participated for three years as first trumpet.
That same year he entered the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Atlantic where he took a year of Bachelor’s degree. In addition, his work extended to other tasks because he collaborated in a musical education workshop and later taught classes at the experimental mixed school José María Córdoba for two years.
2009 is another year to highlight in Riquett’s path because he began his career as a singer-songwriter, composing songs with a wide content related to love, nature and society. Thus he has more than 50 songs to his credit of which he was able to record 10.
As expressed in his profile on the Spotify platform, he dedicated his entire life to music, always linking his trumpet to his lyrics to give it a unique and authentic seal that allows him to connect the world with love and different social paradigms. He always wanted to touch the fibers of hearts to make them much more sensitive and able to live in love.
His most outstanding achievements
Arturo Riquett is considered in the musical world as one of the best trumpet players not only in Colombia but in the Caribbean region. He even obtained a medal of honor as a representative of culture in his municipality.
Throughout his 12-year career he has dedicated himself to accompanying renowned national and international artists such as Jan y su son latino, Orquesta la clave, Shekeré, Sensación Orquesta, Orquesta Jacaranda show, Las estrellas de Niche, Banana, La Bandola Latin Music, Orquesta Álvaro Ricardo, Andrés Cepeda, Hansel y Raúl, Richie Ray & Bobbie Cruz, Gabino Pampini, Joe Quijano, Tito Rojas, Ismael Miranda and Tito Nieves.
Also Andy Montañez, Charlie Aponte, Nora Suzuki, Michel El Buenon, Elvis Crespo, Tierra Seca, Sammy González, Herman Olivera, Klibre, Mickey Taveras, Kinito Méndez, Jeff Morales, David & Abraham, Henry Fiol, Benny Cepeda,
Rodrigo de la Cadena, among others.
As if that were not enough, the Colombian singer-songwriter is the author of a book called “Diary of a Trumpet Player”, together with Jael Rodríguez who was part of the editorial team. This quote refers to a life, like many others who could identify with each text, because each page is a kind of life lived and each story is repeated over time.
– Molly Dick y su parranda papayera – Pa’ baila’ en la calle. Sonorecord,
Caracas – Venezuela
– Shekeré – Fiesta. Shekeré music – Barranquilla – Colombia
– Charlie Gómez & su orquesta, Todo el mundo de pie. Yo te amaré. Zero
Stress Records
– Felipe Molinares – El Vacilon – Phelli.Pe Records, Stephaie RekorDs,
Ramón Benítez Studio (Miami), Griego Music, Paul Producer
– Circle of Fire – How good it is to praise you oh Jehovah – Echeverría Records Studios
– Javier Rodríguez – The power of his glory – Echeverría Records Studios
– Carlos Camacho Useche – The gift of God – Echeverría Records Studios
– Filadelfo Galvis and Omar Parra – Colombia is worldwide. Zero Stress
– La Banda de Nayo – Suena la Flauta – Chuana Records
– Dolcey Gutiérrez – Soy Dolcey El Rey – ESTUDIOS PRODUMUSICA
– Leo y Juanfra – Que Buena Esta – Discos Fuentes (Special Production)
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