Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“The problem is very serious because it seriously affects the health of the inhabitants”

You heard it in No Te Duermas

ACUMAR. Proposal to expand navigation.
ACUMAR. Proposal to expand navigation.

Raúl Estrada Oyuela, a prominent environmental defender and active member of the La Boca Residents Association, gave an interview giving details about the public hearing in person and virtually convened by the Matanza Riachuelo Basin authority.

In the radio program “No Te Duermas” Raúl Estrada spoke at the beginning about the document of the ACUMAR proposal to expand navigation and the problems of the stream: “We were on Thursday in La Boca at the famous Quinquela Martín Museum where a document was presented about what the ACUMAR proposal is to expand navigation. It is totally a document that refers to navigation and does not speak at all about the quality of the water where navigation will take place, the air and the context of two soils, a document as if it were about tourism for clean waters.”

Is this cosmetic part of presenting the stream as a navigable place for tourism still being insisted upon while the depth of the issue is not being worked on?

“Indeed, there is a cosmetic reform. I clarify that having removed the abandoned hulls and ships is positive, having put benches in the ravines is positive, cleaning up the solid urban waste that explodes in the waters at certain periods is also positive,” he said.

Water pollution

“The basic problem is the quality of the waters. It is universally considered that for there to be an aerobic process, that is, for the air to contribute to processing the waste that is in the waters, each liter of water needs to have more than four milligrams of dissolved oxygen. This is universal and is scientifically established,” he said.

In this context, Estrada continued: “When the measurement began in 2008, the ACUMAR records indicate that there were zero five, one tenth,” adding that: “the last records that ACUMAR has under the Avellaneda bridge (which are old because it stopped taking these measurements frequently) are from November of last year and there is zero dissolved oxygen in the water, meaning that nothing can be done there to purify the water.”

Regarding the question of one of the drivers about whether there is a decline, he stated: “There is a decline, but worse still, if you look at the data that refers to the amount of escherichia coli, they have increased, there are different levels depending on what the water is used for, but no level accepts more than ten thousand reproductive units per family for every half glass of water, and there we have sixty thousand.”

“This happens because the result of the application of the regulations that ACUMAR has in force for discharges into the river, then ACUMAR allows the discharge of biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, organic remains and also sewage.”

He continued: “As long as this regulation is maintained, it will not be modified,” adding to this that: “There is an attempt to reduce what goes into the stream with the left bank connector, which is a huge pipe that collects almost everything that is arriving from the left bank, that is, from the federal capital and part of the province of Buenos Aires, and takes it to a place that is a pretreatment plant”.

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