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“You don’t need to be a shelter or be a protectionist to help animals, you just need to have the will”

Giselle Ferrero, founder of the animal.
Giselle Ferrero, founder of the animal.

This is what Giselle Ferrero, founder of the animal shelter “Las Renatas”, said, telling how they work and what reception they see with the issue from society.

Tomás Modini

The “Las Renatas” shelter is one of the many that are in charge of helping and then finding a home for animals. In conversation with Giselle Ferrero, founder of the space, more details of the beginnings were known: “The project was born a little more than 12 years ago with the adoption of my dog ​​Renata.

There I discovered the whole world of protectionism and when I started to get involved I realized that animals with disabilities, that are run over in the street or that have very serious illnesses such as dogs with distemper, were not helped and continued to be left lying around.”

“I mean, nobody got involved. And first I wanted to be part of other shelters as a volunteer but it was not possible and I thought about opening the doors of my house to help the animals that need it the most and that is how the ‘Las Renatas’ shelter was started,” she added.

Regarding the work they do, she stressed that “our work is focused on the animals and not on the areas” and that “it depends on the availability of space that the shelter has at the time of each rescue but we receive animals in general from everywhere, even from the interior.”

“The work group of the shelter is very small, and the group of volunteers too. We are very few. Which means that few people have many responsibilities, that happens unfortunately,” she indicated.

The impact of solidarity work on people

Regarding the main intentions they have in the space, she explained: “What we seek is to encourage people to get involved to help animals in whatever way. You don’t need to be a shelter or be a protectionist to help animals. You need to have the will to do something, whether for a person or an animal, in order to improve or change their reality.”

“Sometimes we think that we have to do big actions and that it will take us a lot of time and so on, and maybe with small actions that we can do daily or eventually how we handle it, we make a big difference in the life of the animal that we are going to help,” she added.

She also explained that “for example, if there is an animal that is on the street and just stopped at the door of my house, we try to make a bed for it, give it some water and food” and “talk to a neighbor to see if they are willing and help with a pipette, maybe another neighbor will join in and take care of the castration, another can keep it at home for a few days until it recovers from the operation.”

“These small actions make the difference and we always try to transmit that from the page,” she assured.

Cases of animal abandonment

Despite what has been said, there are extreme situations in which they notice a great lack of commitment: “I think there is commitment among people who love animals, but in general there is a lot of abandonment. Sadly, I have to see families who want to get rid of their animals and who contact us to bring their dog because it doesn’t fit in the house. And one thinks about how these situations can happen, they disconcert us and we don’t like them because the animal lived for a long time in that family.

“We try to tell them to find a new home and we help them with that, always appealing to help the animal in question and not leave it adrift,” she concluded.
On Instagram they can be found as @refugiolasrenetasoficial, and there they communicate daily about rescues and also receive voluntary help to be able to cover the expenses.

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