Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Juan. “I have 14 names of possible new officials for La Matanza”

Juan stated that “Kicillof launched a plan.

No Te Duermas spoke with journalist Juan Paulenko about the current situation in the La Matanza district.

Regarding possible scheduled power outages for the summer, Juan stated that “Kicillof launched a plan to avoid power outages in the summer, but attention, this relates to the interior of the province of Buenos Aires, where Electric Cooperatives or EDELAP are the main players, not those that are under concession by EDESUR and EDENOR.”

He also declared that: “The province is working to install backup units specifically for summer seasons, for example in San Antonio de Areco, using its own funds. This will reinforce cities like Arrecife and Capitán Sarmiento. In 9 de Julio, it will benefit towns like Bragado, Carlos Cazares, Pehuajó, Trenque Lauquen, General Viamonte, Los Toldos, and will reinforce services in Junín and other places like Mar del Tuyú, and the entire coastal area of Pinamar and Villa Gesell. So this is for another sector of Buenos Aires province, but we still celebrate the news because the province is also trying to improve the quality of life for these neighbors.”

Regarding the fines companies receive for failing to meet their contracts, he said that “these fines are renegotiated. The companies are still requesting money that was allocated in previous governments with subsidies, which they didn’t collect and are now deducting from that.”

The new authorities at the University of Morón

“At the University of Morón, a large part of the staff has changed; the mandate for 2028 remains in place, and the rector, Norberto Portolema, a historical figure, stays. However, for example, Antonio Ramón Agrisani assumed as vice-rector, Enrique Luis Otero as emeritus vice-rector, Walter Oscar Fernández as the general secretary, Marcela Kladler as academic secretary, and Domingo Massa, a well-known figure in the National Senate, took over as dean of the School of Economics and Business. He was also a former dean at the University of La Matanza and is very connected to the Italian community. Another familiar name, Pablo Navarro, became the dean of the School of Law, and Omar Castro Mena, an engineer, took over as dean of the School of Computer Engineering and Agri-food Sciences. Morón is a private institution, so there weren’t many changes, but some key figures passed away, such as Domingo Liotta in Medicine, Borrachia, and Bruno Curvo in the Law Faculty, so it was mostly some adjustments.”

The Provincial Senate

“There’s a fight between La Cámpora and the restructured Peronism. Today the battle is La Matanza versus La Plata, Matanza-La Plata. Julio Alak had to intervene in this meeting with Verónica Magario. 211 dossiers have been submitted. All judicial districts will have representatives. This seems very interesting to me, but the battle is stuck in La Matanza because there’s a name, Dr. Walter Luis Guzmán, who was nominated as an appellate judge for the Civil and Commercial Chamber in La Matanza, but the dossier got stuck. Verónica Magario blocked this one. He’s a La Cámpora man, nominated by the Matanza senator Miracuri, endorsed by Santalla, the senator from Avellaneda, and of course, there’s a fight here because Fernando Espinosa also asked for the removal of Dr. Laura Mato’s dossier, and mysteriously, it ended up in a drawer,” he elaborated.

“Now, it’s being renegotiated. I have 14 names and surnames of the new officials because I believe this will be resolved sooner or later. These are new officials for La Matanza. First, the Labor Court in the Judicial District, Dr. Soledad Ema Gasparini, the first nominee. Second, also in the Labor Court, Dr. Soledad Mariana Viegas. Third, Judge of the Guarantee Court, Dr. Ricardo Andrés Tripaldi. Fourth, Public Defender for the Criminal and Correctional Court, Dr. Pilar Zagastume. Fifth, Criminal Court Judge, Dr. Pablo Ernesto Lago. Some surnames are well-known. Sixth, Tribunal Judge, Dr. Ramiro Marcelo Hernán Larrañaga. Pay attention to this name, Larrañaga. Seventh, Labor Court Judge, Dr. Luis Oscar Romanzuk. Eighth, also in the Judicial District, Judge Dr. Pedro Leonardo Romano. Ninth, Labor Court Judge, Dr. Karina Elizabeth Santillán. Tenth, Judge of the Civil and Commercial Court, Dr. Agustín Marano. Eleventh, Judge of the Civil and Commercial Court, Dr. Ignacio Alberto Trota. This one is also well-known. Twelfth, Family Court Judge, Dr. Magalí Raquel Loboti. Thirteenth, pay attention because we have a familiar name from Morón, Hidalgo. Family Court, Judicial District, Dr. Marina Viviano Hidalgo. She’s the daughter of the famous Dr. Viviano Hidalgo, whom I also had the chance to meet, a judge at our Club Almirante Brown, among other institutions, and a close friend of Alberto Balestrini. Fourteenth, Family Court Judge, Judicial District of La Matanza, Dr. Claudia Gabriela Tabachman.”

Paulenko commented that these are: “fourteen surnames, some appointed by La Cámpora, others by the municipality, and some by institutions such as the Matanza Bar Association, Rotary Club, and some friendly organizations. And this is happening while the process is underway, the Judicial Council, because not just anyone can be appointed, you have to pass an important exam before a tribunal composed of legislators, from within the judicial family. It’s better organized, but even so, the friends system still exists,” he concluded.

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