Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“It is a barbarity what this government is doing to retirees”

You heard it in No Te Duermas

Pami. : “The thing is that PAMI is a black box".This is what Eduardo Martínez, member of the Plenary of Retired Workers, said about the latest decision of Javier Milei’s administration to withdraw free medicines from all retirees who earn more than 388 thousand pesos.

At the beginning of the interview, he said that “this is the chronicle of a death foretold because a few months ago they had lowered the amount of free medicines that were included in the vademecum, others converted them into over-the-counter medicines and now this decision.”

In line with the above, the member of the Plenary of Retired Workers developed: “Retirees who earn less than 388 thousand pesos are going to have to go through a humiliating process in which they are going to ask for absurd things. What are retirees who cover more than that amount going to do?” “If a person has to spend between 15 and 20 percent of their pension on medicines, it is definitely not enough what we earn. In addition, there is talk of free medicines, how can they be free if we contribute our whole life to access them,” Martínez concluded.

“The thing is that PAMI is a black box”

In the continuation of the conversation, the interviewee raised the need to specify the contributions that enter PAMI through contributions from workers: “The thing is that PAMI is a black box, because thousands of dollars enter each year and nobody audits what is done with that money, since the word audit is in fashion.”

“What they are doing is outrageous, but in the hands of this government everything is possible. There is no feeling that they are taking away your medicines, they are taking them away plain and simple,” continued the member of the Plenary of Retired Workers.

In turn, he harshly criticized the government’s decisions: “There is a great cruelty and perversity, we retirees are an expense for them, while they collect money for the IMF and for their business friends.”

“We retirees have Norma Plá as a reference”

In the final part of the interview, Martínez stated that they will continue fighting for their rights: “We retirees have Norma Plá as a reference, who resisted until her body gave out, but we cannot continue to put up with these outrages that the government is carrying out.”

He also recalled: “All these policies do not lead to a happy ending, we already lived through it in the 90s, we have experience with these policies and we ended up with 25 percent unemployment, 60 percent poverty and a postponed Argentina, without prosperity.”

“It is said that the fault of the lack of funding of PAMI is the fault of the worker who did not contribute and retired due to the moratorium. It’s a lie, we have to change this logic of thinking that the worker who was blackmailed all his life in the worst conditions is to blame, what they are saying is outrageous,” concluded the interviewee.

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