Número de edición 8481
News I.A

La Matanza Reaffirms Its Commitment to the Environment on Arbor Day

 Arbor. Reinforcing the joint effort to care for the greenery.
Arbor. Reinforcing the joint effort to care for the greenery.

The Municipality of La Matanza, through the Sub-Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development, is celebrating Arbor Day on August 29 with various concrete actions to protect, expand, and improve public greenery.

The local government promotes the importance of trees in the district’s streets, as they absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by urban activities and transform it into clean air through oxygen release, which is why they are considered the “lungs” of cities.

In La Matanza, public greenery is known as Urban Forest, a network of connected green spaces that benefit both biodiversity and residents. Its preservation and expansion in the natural environment is crucial for mitigating the effects of climate change.

On this Arbor Day, the Sub-Secretariat of Environment will carry out several initiatives, including:
Public Tree Inventory: An exhaustive survey of trees in the district, recording their number, species, and health status. This helps design a regulatory plan and strengthen urban forests. Areas with low tree density are also identified for reforestation plans.

Responsible Pruning: Pruning interventions are conducted with ethical and efficient practices, prioritizing the safety and health of the trees. These actions are essential to reduce risks, improve ventilation, and prevent diseases.

Additionally, tasks are carried out in collaboration with residents and institutions, reinforcing the joint effort to care for the greenery. This commitment not only beautifies the city but also provides key ecosystem services, such as climate regulation, carbon absorption, noise reduction, and flood control.

In this way, the Municipality continues to add native species to reserves and urban areas, such as ceibos, jacarandas, lapachos, and tipas, which will be crucial for biodiversity regeneration.

Arbor Day is celebrated in many places around the world as a way to acknowledge the importance of trees and forests for life on Earth. In La Matanza, this date has become an opportunity to reinforce public policies aimed at environmental preservation and the promotion of more balanced and nature-respecting urban development, consolidating a greener and healthier future for all residents of La Matanza.

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