Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Isidro Casanova: signature collection campaign against the adjustment for retirees

Retirees. Signature campaign against austerity.
Retirees. Signature campaign against austerity.

The Retirees and Pensioners Movement [MIJP] and member of the Multisectorial of Retirees of La Matanza, participated on Wednesday, March 7, within the framework of the “Jubilazo Federal”, in the Campaign of Collection of signatures, a day carried out in the Plaza del Barrio San José de Isidro Casanova.

There was an important reception from the neighbors who were in the plaza or passed by nearby and signed with conviction for the cause of retirees and pensioners. Retirees are in the heart of the people who join their claims:
1) Restitution of the medicines that Milei took out.
2) Emergency increase to pensions.
3) Extension of the Moratorium Law.

Why these 3 points.

1) PAMI stopped giving 44 free medicines to retirees; to access them, members have to request a subsidy, filling out a certificate showing that they are in a state of poverty. And in the case of other medicines, it has modified the discounts, making them more expensive.

2) Milei’s government has been achieving its objective of fiscal balance, among other things with the adjustment to the millions of retirees, maintaining an income that represents less than a third of the poverty basket, with a bonus of 70 thousand pesos frozen, subject month to month to the arbitrary decision of the government whether or not to grant it. Therefore, the elderly in Argentina are “the wedding duck” in the country model proposed by Javier Milei.

3) On March 23, the deadline for the Pension Moratorium Law or early retirement purchase expires. When it was passed in March 2023, it provided for the possibility of extending it for two more years, but Milei has decided not to extend it, ending the possibility of retiring for those who have reached the age to do so and do not have the 30 years required to do so. It must be said that millions have retired under this law, especially women, out of every 4 retirements, 3 have been women. Through this Law, the lack of contributions can be made up for with a monthly fee for 10 years, which is why it is a lie by Milei that pensions are given away.

Repudiation and indignation.

Among the opinions collected, the repudiation and indignation for the repression that Bulrrich-Milei carry out every Wednesday on retirees in Congress stood out. Many forms were filled out with signatures and others were distributed among friends so that they could sign them among neighbors, soup kitchens and other popular spaces in the neighborhood.

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