Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“There is a situation that is hard and cruel: the reality is that it is not enough”

You heard it on No Te Duermas

Facundo Tejerina, from the organization Barrios de Pie.
Facundo Tejerina, from the organization Barrios de Pie.

Facundo Tejerina, from the organization Barrios de Pie, referred to how the crisis hits community kitchens. He also questioned the Ministry of Human Capital, which despite having verified the existence of the kitchens in audits, does not deliver food.

Interviewed on No Te Duermas, Facundo Tejerina, member of the organization Barrios de Pie, described the difficult situation that the most vulnerable sectors are going through, in particular the community kitchens. Despite having passed the audits carried out by the Ministry of Human Capital, these institutions have not received merchandise, which has forced them to reduce the frequency of the service.

“Nothing has arrived, not a package of milk, not a package of rice, not noodles or anything,” said Tejerina, who also said that the same officials who carried out the audits “were surprised to find that the canteens were working and that there was a high demand.” But it was of no use to comply with the requirements imposed by the National government.

In this sense, the social leader added: “unfortunately, the policies of adjustments continue, the policy of oppression towards those who need it most. In recent times, unfortunately, we have received absolutely nothing from the national government and the truth is that the situation is becoming much more complicated in each of the canteens.” In addition, he pointed out the difficulty that many families face in paying for their children’s school supplies, affecting their access to education.

The demand for food in the canteens has increased significantly, while resources continue to be insufficient. “We put in three, four times a week depending on what we could, but the current context is not the same as in previous years. The number of families who come today is much higher, and the truth is that we have had to cut the days because there is not enough food,” he explained.

The cuts and adjustments in the delivery of food have deepened, affecting the most needy sectors. “Some soup kitchens are closing because there is not enough food. There is a situation that is hard and cruel and that is visible to everyone, but there are some who do not want to see it. The reality is that it is not enough, it is not enough,” Tejerina emphasized.

Currently, most soup kitchens have reduced their days of service to only one or two per week, depending on the number of families who attend. In many cases, these families are made up of eight or more people, and there has been an increase in demand from retirees and people who, despite having a job, are not able to cover the basic basket. “It is not enough because the rent has been raised, you are paying double, triple for electricity,” he added.

One of the most distressing moments for those who work in the soup kitchens is seeing how the food runs out while there is still a long line of people waiting. “You get a lump in your throat when a retiree comes and unfortunately you have nothing to give him,” he said regretfully.

Despite the Supreme Court ruling ordering the delivery of food, the reality in the soup kitchens remains critical. The community has shown solidarity, but the effort of workers in the popular economy and neighbors is not enough to cover a basic need that continues to be neglected by the State.

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