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Innovation and design: the furniture of the future and the impact of AI

Innovation. “On the one hand, we implement programs".
Innovation. “On the one hand, we implement programs”.

Diario NCO spoke with professional Alejandro Anselmi to analyze the current state of the topic as well as to reflect on what is to come.

By Florencia Belén Mogno

The passing of the years, together with the implementation of more resources and technological development, have been a key factor in promoting different activities, including furniture design, which is a reflection of the cultural and technological evolution of each era.

From classic artisanal designs to the integration of artificial intelligence in manufacturing processes, this sector has experienced a constant transformation that continues to this day and has even influenced furniture to not only fulfill a practical function, but also to be pieces of art and creative expression.

In this context and to go deeper into the subject, Diario NCO spoke with an expert in the field, the professional of architecture and design, Alejandro Anselmi, who shared details about his career and reflected on the influence of technology in furniture design and the challenges of starting out in an increasingly competitive market.

Two passions that come together

Although his main professional activity is architecture, furniture design is also a source of deep interest for Alejandro Anselmi. In this sense, the professional spoke about the way in which his transition from these activities occurred.

“The transition occurred in a very organic way, since as an architect one has the ability to think of spaces for people’s daily habitat according to their use and give them functionality based on that,” commented the interviewee.

Along these lines, the professional added: “As a professional within this habitat, one encounters not only the property, but also the furniture objects that give each space its character for its specific use. Ultimately, one thinks about each environment based on what it will house inside.”

Likewise, and as an example, the expert stated that “it is no coincidence that great references in the world of architecture are not only known for their architectural works, but also for their furniture designs, such as Mies Van Der Rohe with his Barcelona chair or the L-Leg Table by Alvar Aalto.”

Design in the current era

On the other hand, and linked to the boom that artificial intelligence has meant in recent times, Anselmi referred to and analyzed the implementation of this tool in the field of furniture design as well as the changes it brought to this area. In this sense, he gave details of the way in which he involves the famous AI in his projects.

“On the one hand, we implement programs that help us optimize materials to reduce costs and production times. And on the other hand, we use it as a means to understand market trends and product demand. Thus, we are prepared for new trends,” he explained.

At this point, the interviewee added that “in turn, AI collects surveys that we send to our clients and generates a database that provides us with information on the most requested or required products.”

Looking ahead, the designer highlighted and reflected on the impact that artificial intelligence will have on the furniture industry in the future and said: “In the next 10 years, AI will revolutionize the market in several ways. For example, with the collection of learning algorithms, which are already used today in different cell phone applications, and that personalized furniture can be designed for each client.”

“At the same time, manufacturing times and materials will be optimized. With augmented reality, customers will be able to view furniture in their homes before buying it, which will lead to the creation of virtual stores where the customer does not have to leave their home and factories will be able to analyze market trends and preferences, giving them the advantage of adapting to future changes. And this is just the beginning; surely many more innovations are yet to come,” he summarized.

Furniture in the form of art

Without a doubt, one of the most innovative and interesting aspects of the work that Anselmi carries out has to do with his approach to transforming leftover materials into exclusive art. Regarding how this idea came about, he explained: “It arose from the need to reuse leftover and waste materials that are generated in the manufacture of furniture, thinking about respect for the environment and the need to be a sustainable factory.”

In this regard, the interviewee said: “We know that resources such as wood and stones are finite and not inexhaustible. It was there that my taste for abstract art came to light with the idea of ​​creating exclusive paintings based on these materials.”

“At first, I was a little worried about the need to reuse the leftover materials and waste that are generated in the manufacture of furniture, thinking about respect for the environment and the need to be a sustainable factory.”

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