In dialogue with Diario NCO, the organization explains how the initiative was born, what activities they carry out today and the impact they believe they generate on those they help.
Tomás Modini
‘Mamis Solidarias’ is an NGO formed by mothers who are mainly dedicated to helping the children who need it the most. Mainly those with low resources or who do not have a family.
Florencia, one of the members of the organization, told how the initiative was born: “We always say that the history of Mamis was like the meeting, a bit of chance or causality, of women who did not know each other, who lived close by, and who joined together through Laura Furman who was our founder and is our current president of the NGO. It is like each one did solidarity work in the way she could, perhaps with smaller actions, and through social networks we joined together and that is how ‘Mamis Solidarias’ was born.”
“It was born with this intention, we had to go to some soup kitchens where we lived, also to a rural school. Through an acquaintance of mine, I heard the story of Victor, a boy who was suffering from a very serious cancer and had to, when he returned home, spend his last months of life in a room in good conditions. That’s where we became very consolidated as a group and we can say that the NGO was born,” she added.
The activities they carry out and the focus on education
Regarding what they do within the association, the interviewee said that “we have been working for some time looking for opportunities for the boys and girls who attend the spaces where we are and our main leg or our backbone is based on education” and that “we understand that although attendance, and especially at a time like this, is super important because a child who did not have breakfast cannot come to take math classes, we believe that education is the tool and the door to the future of these children.”
“They are already condemned to a certain extent in this cycle of poverty because they are born in very dysfunctional homes, with low resources, with a lot of vulnerability and violence in many cases, and we try to change their present so that the future is different,” he said.
He also added: “Currently we have a social center in Ezeiza, where more than 100 children attend school, receive tutoring classes, speech therapy, psychopedagogy, psychology, it is comprehensive. And where they also have snacks, lunch and breakfast according to the activity they do. On the other hand, we have a satellite workshop that operates as a snack bar where a group of volunteers go all week and replicate the same support workshop that we have in Ezeiza.”
“We also attend other fixed spaces in different places in the Province. And there is a stronger assistance work in Misiones. We reach more than 350 boys and girls from those communities and we also add two rural schools in the city of Bonpland,” he added.
The composition of the team
Regarding how the work group is made up, she mentioned that “there is a decision-making group made up of four of us who were also part of the founding line” and that “then we have an extraordinary group of more than 100 volunteers.”
“Half of them put their body, their presence, their car, their will and they always put their love towards the children who are our beneficiaries. It is not just about giving, you have to give love and support that can be as important, or more, than a cookie for example,” she added.
She also regretted that “this NGO works in parallel with the lives of many women who have their lives, have children, who have responsibilities but who make time to keep the wheel turning.”
The impact on each of the children helped
In closing, Florencia highlighted the positive mark they leave on the groups they help: “The children who come through our NGO have their lives changed because they are helped, they are seen, someone sees them, someone listens to them, they know when their birthday is. All those things, which many times families cannot do for financial reasons or because sometimes they do not know how to do it, are there ‘Mamis Solidarias’.”
“There are children who are 8 years old and do not know how to read. Here they learn and go to school with much more self-esteem and joy. They raise their hand to read and participate in class, and those things add a lot to the confidence they have to have for the future,” she concluded.
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