Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Municipality in your Neighborhood returns and brings free services to the entire community of La Matanza

Municipality in your Neighborhood returns and brings free services
Municipality in your Neighborhood returns and brings free services

Municipality in your Neighborhood is a proposal promoted by the local Government and carried out by the Youth Secretariat, together with different municipal areas. This program gives families in La Matanza the possibility of accessing various administrative procedures, information and advice, free of charge and close to their home. In this way, neighbors can carry out procedures, such as the DNI, learn about local programs and policies, and access public health services, all in the same space.

This week, Municipality in your Neighborhood comes to Virrey del Pino on Monday, March 10 and Tuesday, March 11, it will be at the Sociedad de Fomento Las Mercedes, located in Siria and Cortina km 44; it will continue on Wednesday, March 12 and Thursday, March 13, at Plaza Mariano Moreno in Gregorio de Laferrere, in Bonpland and Echeverría; and on Friday, March 14 at Plaza San Nicolás de San Justo, between Lynch and Madariaga. The activities will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., offering the possibility of managing DNI, birth certificates, residence certificates, registration of foreign persons and gender identity procedures, among others.

In addition, there will be vaccination stations to complete the regular schedule, the flu vaccine and against COVID-19; and HIV and syphilis tests will be carried out, and health checks such as blood pressure and blood sugar.

In turn, it will be possible to register the SUBE card, sign up for the Buenos Aires Police and receive advice for employment plans, job training strategies, the preparation of the Curriculum vitae, among various local initiatives.

In this way, the Municipality of La Matanza brings management closer to the entire community, through the local areas of Youth, Health and Social Development, to meet the needs and provide support to all the neighbors of the district.

For more information, you can visit the social networks @municipiodelamatanza and @juventudeslamatanza

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