No Te Duermas spoke with Nicolás Fusca, deputy chief of staff of La Matanza, about the management of the municipality for all its inhabitants.
By Ariel Fassio
Regarding his functions, he clarified that the most important thing is “to be able to guarantee that people can receive guidance, some management linked to ANSES to be able to access the Universal Pregnancy Allowance, also the Universal Child Allowance, which many have been pending, and then all the guidance that has to do with the management of pensions, in the case of Social Development, for example, the registration and the management linked to the Plan Más Vida of the Province of Buenos Aires, to guarantee that the mother-child population, among others, can have access to the benefits that the Plan Más Vida grants through the Province of Buenos Aires.”
“Also assisting in the Matanzas garden program to be able to receive seeds within the framework of self-sufficiency, but not only the reception of seeds, but also knowing the training schedules that are being given in different neighborhoods and in different institutions to be able to go deeper into this. Then, all the programs linked to the promotion of the Protection of the Rights of Children, Infancy and Adolescence, such as the ENVIÓN program, the PODES program, orientation and outreach and the possibility of inclusion of the kids in all these devices.”
“On the health side, also everything that has to do with the more preventive area, linked, for example, to the campaign that we have been carrying out from the municipality with the prevention of dengue, fundamentally and specifically with the need for junk removal and the care of this, but also everything that is the access to the vaccination calendar so that the kids and the population in general can be vaccinated,” he clarified.
“The whole range of actions linked to health promotion and the approach also in the face of the difficulties that the population has been going through and that cannot guarantee the fulfillment of its right in terms of a management with the hospital or a management also linked, for example, to the procedures that are carried out with the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires for an operation, a prosthesis, the whole range linked to sanitation and public health,” he said.
The government’s neglect in La Matanza
“Despite the political difficulty experienced by the national government of Mauricio Macri and that in the province of Buenos Aires there was María Eugenia Vidal, at least we had the possibility of sitting down to discuss. There was no guarantee of resources or of continuing with the management that had been carried out but there was the possibility of discussion.”
“In that sense, it is also another crisis that we have been going through because this national government, the speed with regard to the implementation of its proposals or its ideas generates a fall into an abyss. We have heard lately that the indicators, that the economy is starting to rebound, that it is no longer in B but in U, but the reality on the street is not palpable in this way. And the consumption indicators are increasingly falling,” he explained.
“The kids cannot access milk. This implies a generation that is left behind, I don’t know, we are going to have serious difficulties in the future. In terms of prioritization, unfortunately the food policy is the one that should be prioritized the most because it is where it has the greatest impact on the population. With the indicators of the poverty line, the indigence line, which are public knowledge, families are not able to guarantee the basic food of their members, so the priority is placed on food, on food. So it does not mean that there are no other issues that need to be addressed, but with the belly that creaks there is no possibility of other things.”
Future cuts and protests in the district
Regarding the future cut of route 3, in Casanova, Fusca said that “I understand that in this sense the social organizations that are part of the multi-sectoral that Fernando has been carrying out since January of this year, are in the organization of this action and that it is within the framework of, as far as I understand, a federal march that is being organized at a national level and so we are in dialogue, not me directly, but in this case our chief of staff and the mayor are in dialogue with the leaders of these movements and these social organizations that are planning this action. So in this sense I understand that we are going to be seeing how this organization is and how we will accompany it.”
“Since 2001, all of us who carry out some degree of responsibility in public management, the approach to the month of December triggers a lot of fears and fantasies. After 23 years we have not had a situation linked to the fears that may exist. I believe that in this sense what any leader who is proud to be a representative of the national government should do is stop installing so much violence. Stop installing it through discourse, through actions and through a lot of things, stop installing so much violence because although the situation is contained, it is very unstable. I understand that in the face of the crisis that is being experienced there is a lot of lability in terms of agitation. So do not install more violence, neither through discourse nor through action. Trying and anticipating that they are going to do this is almost inducing it. More than anything it is a call to reflection. As a society, let us not install more violence,” concluded the deputy chief of staff.
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