Número de edición 8481
News I.A

“Childhood is politics”.

You heard it in No Te Duermas

"Childhood is politics".
“Childhood is politics”.

Micaela Durigan, councilor of the Frente de Todos in La Matanza, through the radio program No Te Duermas, referred to the fourth organized day “Childhood is politics”
At the beginning of the interview, the councilor gave details about the training day that they will carry out at Monseñor Bufano 2560 in San Justo.

“Today at 5:30 p.m. we are going to meet at the Luz y Fuerza Union in a series of activities that are for reflection, training and also spaces where we want to strengthen ties are so needed,” she said.

“This is born from the labor movement but it is open to the entire community, everyone is invited, we have a corner for children because many times mothers are with them under their arm, and that space is available, with word search, coloring sheets and more.”

“They grow up, what we are going to do tomorrow is talk about certain concepts linked to childhood, the history of childhood; because childhood has existed for a short time.

If you put it in Google it tells you that childhood was discovered at the end of the 19th century, two hundred and fifty years ago when humanity has been in this world for more than six thousand years.”

“We are going to work on the tools that exist from the judicial and political perspectives.” A colleague from the judicial union is going to give us an overview of what the tools are, obviously there are many things that can be criticized and improved, but as a community we need to know what there is.”

Family conflict: “In the event that there is, the first thing that all adults have to know is that we are responsible. If you know that a boy is experiencing a situation of violence or a girl is going through a situation that she should not experience, physical or psychological abuse or whatever, all adults have to know that we are responsible.”

Local Service, a tool

“We have to know what the tools are and what they are for; There is a local service, we also have to know what it is for, and what the judicial tools are.” We invited Mr. Nicolás Fusca to come with his team to talk to us about the policies in force in La Matanza.”

“There are a lot of tools, but if we don’t know them we can’t interact with them. It’s good to know them.” I think that Peronism empowers and we have to empower with Peronism. All these social policies in Argentina are born from this, so we have to be multipliers of this message, we have to talk about these issues that are not minimal, they are extremely important.”

“There are times when children seem not to be on the agenda because they don’t vote, but those children soon begin to vote. What tools are we giving them to build their citizenship?” One of the hosts was reflecting on Milei’s young voters who were not familiar with the Argentine historical and political process, which is why Micaela Durigan said: “You have to have tools to be able to do a complete analysis, and it is valid to vote for whoever you want, that is democracy, but you have to do it with knowledge.”

When asked about where they would focus on the abuse of technology, she said:
“Beyond the fact that technology is addictive and has a lot of favorable things, it is not about going against it but about being able to use it in a measured way, and thinking about how we can do something that is a fundamental tool for technology and for everyone, reading, without a doubt reading,” she emphasized.

“You should not deny technology to the child, you have to guide, it is like when the child is growing up and you notice what friends he hangs out with. In life we ​​have to guide all the time, we are that stick that you put next to the tree so that it grows straight, you have to guide,” she stressed.

“You can even show the child story videos,” he added, “children are digital natives and you can’t deny them what they have; there are good tools through technology.”

The teenager and the cell phone

Looking at teenagers and the time they spend on the cell phone, he said:
“Many things happen, we are talking about relatively simple things like how much time you spend in front of the screen, what you see, to very serious things that happen like grooming, which is rarely talked about, which is terrible, gambling addiction, which many people don’t know what it is.”

“There is a very serious, very sad case, the case of the eleven-year-old boy from Florencio Varela, who bet his mother’s salary, the teacher mother lost her entire salary and the boy decided to take his life, we have to be alert, these are things that have to be put on the table,” he admitted.

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