With a view to a year full of international competitions due to the dispute of the Copa Libertadores and the Club World Cup, River activated the “Transfer Market” operation and established formal contacts with a player who had already been close to arriving in the previous window: Valentín Gómez, the standard-bearer of the Vélez champion of the Professional League.
The one who kicked off was Marcelo Gallardo, who will be in charge of the logistics and the selection of the reinforcements, as used to happen in his previous stage at the club. El Muñeco contacted Hernán Reguera, the defender’s agent, to express his intention to count on him in 2025.
What his entourage reported is that they are going to consult with the Board of Directors of Fortín, given that there are also two offers from abroad on the table, but the names of the teams did not come to light publicly.
The president of Vélez, Fabián Berlanga, was blunt about the value of Valentín Gómez after being crowned champion of the Professional League: he will leave for the 10,000,000 that his termination clause is worth. He is not willing to let him go for less, which leaves River against the ropes and without much room for negotiation.
On the other hand, Ricardo Álvarez, manager and former player of the club, had commented that the plan for the transfer market “is to continue with the Model (Raúl) Gámez, to sell abroad and not reinforce River or Boca.” However, he also clarified that “if a group buys him and places him in one of the two, it is another story.”
San Lorenzo was on the verge of paying a millionaire figure to Piatti
Headaches continue for San Lorenzo. After the riots with the fans following the defeat against Tigre at the end of the Professional League and while the club is going through a serious institutional crisis, a court ruling left them on the verge of having to pay a million-dollar sum to Ignacio Piatti.
According to reports, the footballer’s contract contained a trigger clause by which San Lorenzo could terminate it, upon payment of 850 thousand dollars. Despite this, the former midfielder considered that it could not be executed, since, as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, the law prohibiting unjustified dismissals was in force.
This counterpoint led to a lawsuit by Piatti against San Lorenzo, claiming the entirety of his contract and the corresponding double compensation, in addition to fines and interest. The National Court of First Instance of Labor No. 47 ruled in favor of Ciclón in 2023, so the club only had to pay the 850 dollars, plus interest, something that was paid in installments. But the former soccer player appealed in the second instance, something that was favorable to him in September of this year.
River wants to sell a part of Boselli’s pass to Estudiantes to free up a quota
River’s management plans to offer Estudiantes de La Plata the sale of a percentage of the pass of another defender, Sebastián Boselli, with a clear objective: to free up a quota of foreigners to bring reinforcements in the transfer market.
The Uruguayan, who Martín Demichelis had tried a few times as a right-back during his time, never managed to settle at Millonario and recently expressed his desire to continue at Pincha, where he is on loan until December 2025. “I am very happy at Estudiantes, I found a great club and luckily I am getting minutes. The coach is using me as a central defender (his natural position),” he said.
The 2023 U-20 World Cup champion has played nine games and scored one goal – against Racing at the Cilindro de Avellaneda – since his arrival at León at the end of August. At the time, he had accepted the offer because Muñeco had told him that he was not going to take him into account after the arrival of Germán Pezzella. And even less so if the signing of Valentín Gómez goes through, for which they will ask for 10,000,000 dollars.
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Historia de Diario NCO
El diario Noticias Con Objetividad, popularmente conocido como Diario NCO, es un medio de comunicación gráfica con sede en el Partido de La Matanza, provincia de Buenos Aires.
Bajo la dirección hasta la actualidad de Oscar Roberto Pettinato, comenzó a emitirse el lunes 7 de septiembre de 1992. El diario tiene su lugar en la historia ya que es el primer medio gráfico de La Matanza en emitirse de forma ininterrumpida de lunes a viernes de forma impresa y los siete días en la web.
Un sello también distintivo es que además de ser un medio de comunicación, Diario NCO es una escuela de periodismo. Incluso, varios de sus integrantes se formaron mientras desarrollaban su vocación. Por este motivo, también abre sus puertas a estudiantes de los primeros años de la carrera, para que puedan definir su estilo, mejoren su nivel de redacción y aprendan la dinámica específica del trabajo de la prensa gráfica.
Al medio le interesa plasmar en sus páginas los mensajes de todas las voces y aunque en el periodismo la palabra “objetividad” está sujeta a controversias, Diario NCO la toma como una inspiración, es por eso que la lleva en su sigla y en su lema.
Esta forma de encarar la profesión llevó a que en el año 2010 fuera reconocido por el Honorable Concejo Deliberante (HCD) de La Matanza como de Interés Municipal y que en 2015, el Observatorio de los Derechos de Las Personas Con Discapacidad de La Nación distinguiera, tanto al diario como a la periodista Melisa Correa, por la intensa labor de difusión de la temática.
En esta gran familia entendemos al periodismo como una herramienta de cambio social, es por eso que una de nuestras acciones va dirigida a la formación de más y mejores periodistas