Número de edición 8481
News I.A

Laferrere: Plenary of the Multisectorial of La Matanza

Plenary La Matanza. The plenary closed with a meeting.
Plenary La Matanza. The plenary closed with a meeting.

The meeting was on Saturday, February 1st at the Elementary School No. 90, “Valle de Rio Negro” in the Villa Unión neighborhood.

By Emilio González Larrea

Since the morning, hundreds of comrades from the different organizations that make up the Multisectorial met in 6 commissions to discuss the situation more than a year after the situation of the Milei government, to take stock of what has been done by this unitary group, to plan future actions and to outline agreements to define a program for the popular sectors.

The plenary closed with a meeting where each of the commissions read the conclusions they reached. The final meeting was chaired by Juan Carlos Alderete, National Coordinator of the CCC, Viana Oscari, leader of SOMOS –Barrios de Pie, José “Chapu” Urrelli from the Communist Party, José Dunn, from the Newsboys Union and Marta Bartoloni, leader of the CCC Table of La Matanza.

In the commissions there was a deep debate where each one of its members intervened, who recounted the sufferings that are endured in the popular neighborhoods, the experiences of struggle that they have been leading to confront Milei’s policies and at the same time made proposals for a way out of the situation from the interests of the workers and the people.

Some opinions of representatives of the Plenary Table

Viviana Oscari, SOMOS-Barrios de Pie.
“We are tired of people coming to put their eyes on our road, of beating us up, and then someone else comes and takes our sweat,” said Viviana Óscari of SOMOS – Barrios de Pie, who also demanded a salary of 300 thousand pesos for workers in the Popular Economy.

José “Chapu” Urreli of the Communist Party.

“We have to be able to not divide us in this electoral situation, comrades. Because that is also an element that permanently leads us to be on one side or the other and we all have to be on the same side. Only in this way will we be able to face a very powerful enemy that is coming for us (…) So unity, organization and struggle. The street has to be ours and unity above all things.”

José Dunn, Newsboys Union.

“This moment of the fight in the province of Buenos Aires, which is one of the nodal places of the dispute in Argentina, should not be removed from the structural character that the province fulfills: that is to produce 50% of the GDP of our country. And the majority of the workers are from the first and second belt of the province of Buenos Aires, they are the ones who produce 20% of the needs of this port city. This is the center of the dispute. Therefore, the political tasks of the conurbation have to be a counteroffensive to denounce the concentrated powers that the fascist Milei represents and to constitute political Roundtables of Work, Training and Criticism in the neighborhoods and workplaces, in search of organizing a program of the workers themselves. And I believe that the Multisectorial in Struggle of La Matanza is on the way to fulfilling them.”

Juan Carlos Alderete, from the CCC, who closed the plenary.

“We say that people do not react to almost a year of the damage that MILEI is doing. But the truth is that people are angry with all governments and also with the leaders, including us, because they fight and they do not manage to get things for them. We have been fighting a lot in La Matanza, with several roadblocks, marches, plenary debates and we are preparing to reissue the Matanzazo.”
Tax on Large Fortunes.

“We have to debate, but go out on the streets with fighting initiatives to be able to alleviate the situation of our comrades. And we have proposals from popular organizations that we are going to make to Axel Kicillof, the governor of the province. We have experience at the national level with the Tax on Large Fortunes, that tax that helped a lot during the pandemic and afterwards. Therefore, we must dare to touch the interests of the monopolistic companies and also here in the Province, where there are large fortunes that have to put it to satisfy the needs of the people of Buenos Aires.”
Unity in the streets and at the polls.

“We value the unity achieved, as is the case of the Multisectorial of La Matanza, but the entire political opposition must also unite, not only to confront this fascist Milei in the streets, but also at the polls when it is our turn to vote. The worst thing that can happen to us is that Milei consolidates himself electorally in the next elections.”

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